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The German Packaging Act

The German Packaging Act

As a family business, sustainability is essential for our future-orientated thinking. Therefore, we are setting the tone for environment-friendly production and focusing on sustainable waste disposal. Our products and outer card boxes are labelled according to government regulations. With the packaging act of 2019 German government has enforced new duties for manufacturers and vendors, to which we provide a summary and further links below.


To whom does VerpackG apply

It applies to producers (manufacturers, retail companies/online retailers, importers and mail order companies) who are the first to fill packaging with goods placed on the German market commercially.

Depending on whether the packaging is subject to system participation or not, other obligations may occur.


Upcoming duties

If affected, producers are responsible for participating in recycling their packaging. Furthermore, the packaging must be licensed, and producers must register to the LUCID packaging register.

Click here for LOGIN https://lucid.verpackungsregister.org/login


For further information please follow

Check: Do the requirements apply to me? (verpackungsregister.org)

General information (verpackungsregister.org)

13. January 2023

A new look for FRITSCH